Crazy Chloe!!!!

Wow! Time goes by so fast. The older I get, yes my whole 26 years, the quicker it seems to go by. I have walked through a lifetime of experiences both good and heart wrenching. When I admit my age most people are shocked. I am a very wise 26 year old, I know. Harrison is about to start the first grade at St. Henry and Houston is about to start Pre K. Houston's Pre K program is the same one Harrison went through, and by the time Harrison "graduated" he knew every president who called the White House home, every state in American and could read; a little. To say I am excited for Houston is an understatement. Ms. Nancy is their teacher and she is one of the best I have ever known. Harrison starts first grade in a couple of weeks. Today I got his "back to school" supplies. In the directions it asked that I label every crayon, colored pencil, etc. I DID IT!!! 24 crayons, 12 colored pencils, two dry erase markers, two yellow highlighters, three glue sticks, Fiskars brand scissors, 3 #2 pencils, 3 lead pencils, two PINK erasers later I am finished. Who is counting? Thank goodness for label makers.

Chloe, our Jack Russell mix, got hit by a car on Sunday. She is great with the kids, but she is so crazy. She escapes and when she does, which is more than I would like to admit, she runs so fast. As I am running after her, she runs faster. She got out on Friday night too. Harrison was walking her out front and she Houdini it out of her harness and took off. I am running in a blue summer dress and gladiator sandals down the railway tracks after a dog who has no intention of being caught. Out of breath, frustrated, sweating and hobbling back in broken sandals I had no Chloe. So, Ryan propped open our back gate into our courtyard in hopes she would come back. The spring by the way, was installed because little Miss Chloe likes to get out when the kids are coming and going. They are kids, so the farthest thing from their minds when they are playing at one another's house it accidental letting the dog out. No biggie, no intentions; what so ever. Guess who makes it back to our house unscathed, but dirtier than all get out; Chloe. Sunday the crazy canine was not as lucky. Because our area was hit so hard by the flood we still have police who "man" our neighborhood. Ryan got a phone call on Sunday afternoon, ten minutes after the amazing scape artist got out. Once Ryan had arrived to pick Chloe up, the Sergent told Ryan that Chloe had been hit by a car. She was a little bloody, black, and limping. We loaded up the kids in the car and headed to the emergency after hours place for animals. Five hundred dollars, injections of pain meds and an antiinflammatory, x-rays later we left with Chloe who had suffered road rash and a broken pelvis. Monday morning I took Chloe into our new vet and $200 later we have started her on Prozac (Elavil for you pharmacology buffs) in hopes she would take to her prescribed cage rest and not run off once she is better. Oh, yea the crate. Chloe has issues with her crate. SHE HATES IT. It is the plastic, thick plastic, Pet Porter brand. Chloe has scratched a hole in her crate about 6 inches long 3 inches wide. We have put her in it at night before bed on one side of the living room, and the next morning she is halfway across the room with a trail of drops of blood. The only reason she did not make it further across the room is because our couch stopped her. CRAZY, PSYCHO, I know. But, Harrison is so in love with her...

I have now been at my new job about two months and I am loving it. High risk OB is something, thanks to Adalynne, I can make a difference. Ryan has made the jump, he started his own company just a couple of days ago. Media Tree,, CHECK IT OUT. I am so proud of him. All I want is for him to find joy in what he does. I know he will do great things. He is such an amazing stand up guy with strong ethics, and character. Character and ethics are something the line of business he is in needs.


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