Thank You God!!

Miss Adalynne, the boys and I are going to be spending a quiet day at HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She gets to come home today!!! We have to pick up some stuff, which is going to be so much fun. We don't have anything! EEEKKK!!!! This is so super duper exciting! It is still day by day, and I am loving January 7th, 2010 so far!!


  1. Chelsea (Rosa) CaldwellJanuary 7, 2010 at 8:39 AM

    Oh my heavens what wonderful news!!! I know you and Adalynne will have a blast shopping for PINK!! Always in my thoughts and prayers! Always here if you need me! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!

  2. Congratulations and enjoy every minute. What a gift to bring her home to hold, rock and love. You are an amazing mother and person. Your blog and beautiful journaling about this amazing journey have been so moving and powerful. P. Crawford

  3. Erika, Thank you for sharing your journey with us. The miracle of Adalynne's homecoming reminds us to trust in the Lord always. I will keep praying for your family. J. Claverie

  4. Thank you, Erika, for showing me the Way. It is all amazing and enlightening.

    With Gratitude, Blessings, and Praise.

    Love, Sheila

  5. Dear Erika,
    God is amazing in his power and love for us! He lifts us up to him. He is lifting you up today and giving you this wonderful time with Adalynne!We pray for you and ALL your family. We have asked all our friends and family to read your blog and pray for you as well. We want you to know we ask Him to continue to send blessings as you get to know your little angel!
    love and prayers,
    The Rosa Family

  6. Awww... and Adalynne gets to see her first SNOW!

  7. Erika, I'm a member of Holy Family Circle. I've been keeping up with your journal. I still don't know exactly how to express in words what a wonderful, strong and God-serving person you are. I'm I think about 12 years older than you and I can only hope to handle life with such optimism and joy. You are an inspiration and I think and pray for all of you every day! I know that Adalynne is just sooooo gorgeous and precious. Thank you for sharing, you are amazing! Praying for you, Laura O'Brien

  8. You and your family truly amaze me. I admire the faith and strength that you have. I believe with all my heart that there is a reason and purpose for all things that God gives to us. As it is said "if God bring you to it he will bring you through it." I will pray for you and your family and know that you have many prayer warriors out there for you. God Bless and keep the peace and strength you have.

  9. Erika, We continue to keep you and your precious family in our prayers. We have a tradition in our home of keeping a candle burning for those we are lifting up in prayer. Our candle is lit for sweet Adalynne, as God continues to shine his precious grace on her. May you continue to be blessed with a strong spirit, a loving heart, a gentle grace, a beauty from within, as those who love you continue to be blessed by your messages of hope, love and courage.
    Prayerfully yours, Patti Caldarulo

  10. I have read your story over and over!!!! i have 2 girls and my boy was diagnosed with the same thing adalynne is. i felt the same way you did wanting a boy after 2 girls. they dr's office called me on friday and told me to come in again for a high risk ultrasound on monday. that was the longest weekend of my life. it ended up being a false positive but i still have a special place in my heart for these beautiful children. after reading this several times crying at one point and being so uplifted by your faith the next has changed my perspective on life. you are truly inspiration. thank you for sharing your story. you ,your sweet adalynne
    her brothers and her daddy will ALWAYS be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!xoxoxoxo

  11. I am so happy you got to go home with your sweet baby girl! We will continue to pray! -Stephanie Lewis

  12. i am just so overwhelmingly happy for you and your family. what a sweet baby girl- have a wonderful day just holding her! mary martini

  13. We have not ever met, but our family's thoughts and prayers are with you, your boys and beautiful Adalynne. Your story has touched my heart deeply, and has re-opened my eyes to the amazing gift God has given me in my own three children. Our prayer is that God will continue to give Adalynne, and your family the strength to face whatever journey He choses for her. With love The Brackman family (members of St. Henry parish).

  14. We are sooo proud of ALL of you. Your deep love, devotion and faith shines through your LITTLE ANGEL. She is the most precious little girl we have ever seen. Most of all she is truly an Angel and a Miracle from God. Give her lots of hugs and kisses for us!!!! We love you all.A fighter like her mom Keep up the fight, you make an old man proud.Love DAD

  15. Baby A is so AMAZING! What an ANGEL! I have been following your blog and I am so touched by your story! You truly are a WONDERFUL mother. Enjoy her. The pictures you have a breath taking! Truly priceless! You are in our thoughts and prayers! The Stovalls (CCC)

  16. I love these pictures! Erika, Ryan... she is so beautiful! Please keep posting. We are praying for your family and thinking of you every day. Melanie Terry (and the family)

  17. ERIKA! SHE IS GORGEOUS!! I am so glad you posted those pics. You would not believe the people praying for you and baby Adalynne. Hope that you are enjoying every moment of everday!!!!! God Bless you! Love, Alison Carlisle

  18. All babies are true gifts from God,no matter how long they are here with us. She is resting peacefully in the arms of angels now and will forever live as your guardian angel. May God continue to care for you and your family. Erika,you have to be the strongest and most inspirational person in the entire world. God bless you and your family. Traci

  19. You are truly an amazing family and God couldn't have picked a better place for baby Adalynme to become such a tremendous inspiration in such a short amount of time. I will be wearing pink in her honor tomorrow. God bless you and your family.


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