
For the first time since Adalynne's condition came into existence I am truly angry. The anger does not come from the card from Governor Bredesen; it comes from displacement. Do they not do their research? As a nurse, we almost took an entire semester in therapeutic communication. I am guessing that is not something congress takes into account. I had an exhausting day, not bad just exhausting. Thanks to Cathlin, we are going on a Disney Cruise for the boys' spring break and I am so busy trying to get everything in order before we leave. I know the cruise was planned because, " it is perfect timing for us to get away from it all."

As I was getting the mail today I noticed a letter from Governor Phil Bredesen and First Lady Andrea Conte, noticing it was a Hallmark card I thought it was a sympathy card. Goodness, what a fool I am, yea right, like the governor of TN would really know about Adalynne and her gifts. I felt stupid after I opened it and saw what it really was. Looking at it in my lap now, causes a lump in my throat. The one you get trying to fight back tears. It is a card that says on the cover, "Your Bundle of Joy Has Arrived" then I opened it in horror and disbelief to see the words, " A darling little baby to cuddle and adore, to spoil a little and love a lot- who could ask for more!" Um, both hands in the air... ME! ME! ME! I could ask for more a hell of A LOT MORE! I could ask that you do your research before you mail cards encouraging parents to get their "new bundles of joy" immunized. I am sure this initiative, of whatever it is called... Project Newborn Shots, cost us a lot of money and even more time in taxes and so forth. You know, we got our certificate of death before Adalynne's birth certificate and social security card. I KNOW THEY HAVE ACCESS TO IT! I had to pay $30 to get, the OFFICIAL death certificate, in order to prove she was a dependent for taxes. All it takes is SOMEONE to do a little research before they send these cards out to all of parents who should have a new bundle of joy at home. Oh, the other side of the care says, "Congratulations on the new addition to your family. As parents, we know how excited you must be. Remember, the path to a happy life begins with a healthy baby. Please take your infant in to be immunized before two months of age. Again, congratulations on your new arrival"...just shove the dagger in a little deeper.

Today, is not a good day. Today I am struggling. I miss Adalynne so much; her little soft head, her smell, and even how she hated having her diaper changed. Today, I feel like it is so unfair. I know what is driving it home so much more, the fact that I was hoping to see two little pink lines instead of the one I waited three minutes to see.


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