It was All in the Plans

Have you ever heard of the saying, "If you want to make God laugh, make plans"? I have never liked the saying. It makes God sound like a sinister CEO corporate jerk. It is my opinion that God's plans are "set in stone" if you will, his plan is in the cards. Our plans are fluid and ever changing and they do not always line up with "the Big Man's". I don't think God's plans change.

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to get married and be a mom. I met Ryan in high school. We met in summer school. It was Ms. Lund's Spanish class. We hit it off instantly. He was so funny and talked a lot. I am more of a listener; peas and carrots. We became best friends that summer. We were together constantly. All I did was laugh when he was around, something I love to do. Was it in my plans to fall in love with my best friend? Absolutely not, we were just friends. God knew better than I did and when I fell I fell hard. We had this amazing friendship that grew into love. He has changed my life is so many ways. We have had ups and downs, good times and bad, grown and regressed; but he is the love of my life. A husband was in my plans, Ryan was in God's.

Ryan and I planned to get married and start a family. But, what crazy in love teenager doesn't? We did not want to get married until we were at least thirty. So, when our family started at the beginning of my sophomore year in college I was a little scared. We didn't exactly plan to start our family while I was still a teenager, and it was tough, but it made us grow into more compassionate and humble adults. Yes, we put the cart before the horse, and Harrison was in our wedding. Harrison was always in God's plan, but due to life decisions Ryan and I made he came earlier than we had planned. Harrison is such an amazing blessing. Ryan and I love being parents, some days more than others but the gift of children is an amazingly bright spot is God's plan for us.

A girl was someone I had always hoped for. I had two wonderful boys, and a girl would be icing on the cake. Adalynne, everything about her, was in God's plan. God knew how much I wanted to be the mom of a little princess. Our plans matched up. I did not plan for Adalynne to only be here for a short time, but it makes her life even that much more precious. I don't think God sits back in a chair and says, "Okay this person is going to go through this trial in their life." I think He knows it is coming, but it is His plan to never leave us to face challenges alone.

This past Christmas was the best one I have ever had. I did not think Adalynne would make it through Christmas. My biggest fear was that she was going to be born a couple of days before Christmas, not make it, and we would have to go through this Christmas without her here. But, her presence here on earth during this special time of year was in God's plan as well as mine. She was able to be here this year and her presence was the best gift I have ever been given. I thank God for "letting her make it." We have a couple of traditions in our family, one in which we started this year, we implement during Christmas. One is we each get a pair of Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve, and the one we started this year is, each year a child in our family gets an ornament. When the boys are grown and start their own family, they can take their ornaments with them. This year Harrison got a soccer playing snowman and Houston got a football playing snowman. Adalynne was able to be here and share in these Christmas traditions. She did not get pajamas, but I did invest in some really festive Christmas maternity pj's. Her ornaments will not go with her, but they will be a beautiful reminder of her presence not only this Christmas, but the ones to come. This year she got a purple butterfly that is covered in glitter. The butterfly was in honor of the Monarch Hospice who have been so wonderful to our family during this journey. When I look at her ornament I think not only of Adalynne's presence, but the gift of friendship and love we have been given. A gift I would have never planned for, but God did. He knew we would need support and care during this short time with Adalynne and guided us toward the hospice.

...Something I had just learned, not in my plans, but in God's, Adalynne has a new angel waiting on her in heaven when she leaves this earth. I know no one lives here on earth forever, but sometimes the timing of the end of one's life is a shock. That is where we are, shocked at today's events that have unfolded. I pray that God graces members of our family with strength, acceptance, and peace in this time of loss.


  1. Erica and Ryan,

    Your documented journey is truly inspiring! This is well written and beautiful! Keeping all of you in our prayers. Adalynne truly is a blessing from God!

    Kelly Oakley


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