A Song for Mommy

I don't know if I am in denial or if I really am, okay. Sure I am sad and devestated, but I am so happy God gave me such a wonderful little girl and I know they are both smiling down on me. It gives me great peace to know that it is in heaven that Adalynne could see her mommy for the first time. Sight was not something Adalynne was given here on earth.
My mom is my rock. I know she is as devastated as me, but she continues to do the things I couldn't do. Yesterday while we went to mass she got my family together and they put Adalynne's things away. There is not pink in every corner of the house, and I still sense Adalynne's presence. Today was Adalynne's first doctors appointment. I called her pediatrician at home yesterday, informing him we would not be there. I woke up this morning to an alarm on my phone that said, "Adalynne's MD appointment." It tugged at my heart while making me smile. Ryan blessed me this morning with wonderful insight. He was saying that "Adalynne's Song" was for her, while she was in my womb; but when she was here in our presence in our arms she was singing for us. She did go hungry, she crawled on her knees to kiss her daddy, she is a wonderful person. She waited to leave us until she knew we were okay, and that her work here on earth was finished. She hung on for us.
Because I had HELLP syndrome, I have to go back to my doctor today. I am scared at how I will react seeing everyone who was so wonderful to Adalynne and me. It was tough going there when Adalynne was with me; seeing all the expectant mothers in a completly different place.


  1. Praying for strength that surpasses all understanding over the next several weeks and months.

    Stacy Schumaker Maciuk

  2. I am now in Heaven—the gates have opened wide—
    And now I have the privilege of walking by His side.
    The angel choir is singing, and the music is so sweet,
    I’ll join them just as soon as I have worshiped at his feet.

    I am now in Heaven, and the blood-washed throng is here..
    I recognize a lot of them—there’s not a single tear.
    There’s joy beyond description and reunions by the score,
    There’ll be no separations, for we’ll be here evermore.

    I am now in Heaven—please wipe away your tears!
    I’ve fought the battle, run the race—I’m rid of all my fears.
    There is no pain or sorrow here; the heartaches now are past..
    I’ve read and sung of heaven, and now I’m here at last!

    I am now in Heaven, and oh, the place is grand!
    No one could ever tell me all the beauties of this land.
    Since I cannot describe it, you’ll have to come and see
    That it was worth the trials to live here eternally!

    ---Becky Coxe

  3. Adalynne has had such an impact on so many lives; ya'll's, both of your families, your friends and anyone who has read this blog that may not even know you. (i know a few of my friends did.)

    I have that funny feeling in my chest right now, ya know, almost the kind I felt at SEARCH or when something very special happens in life, a birth, an announcement one was not expecting but it was exciting, etc....

    You, Erika, and my godson, Ryan have touched me, a 51 year old mom with 4 children that has seen and heard so many things in life, and yet, I am being taught such a beautiful lesson of love and courage and most of all, faith by a young man who I held in my arms the day he was born. I watched him grow up from day 1, and yet, as I said, he is the teacher to me and so many others today, and you too Erika, needless to say.

    So long for now our dear Adalynne, thank you for your presence here with us, every moment was a gift, every breath a wonder.

    Aunt Kate

  4. Dear Adalynne,
    I believe the measure of one’s life is not accomplishments, fortune or fame, but rather, the lives touched and the love shared.
    God blessed you with the best possible parents, and blessed us all as witnesses of their love for you. Your Mommy and Daddy loved you from your first instant of life. They protected and defended you like no others could. They did not yet understand your mission here on earth – but God did. Through their passion for you, and God’s gift to them of words and art, they told the world the story of you divine journey.
    God gives most babies 80 years or more and countless opportunities, to do His work. Sweet baby girl, you did it all in five short glorious days!
    You have taught us all how precious each moment is that we share with each other. My love for you is endless, as it is for your Mommy, Daddy, and brothers. Although we are sad for our loss, we are at peace knowing your journey is complete. We will all carry your torch of love, courage and faith to light our way as we complete our journey.
    Until we meet again in Heaven…
    Forever Yours,
    Big Daddy

  5. Thank you, dear Adalynne, for the gifts you have given those of us who only know you from this blog. We have been blessed and transformed by the love you shared with your full and precious time with us.
    Bless your mom, dad and brothers for sharing their love and thoughts with us so that we might learn the faithfullness of God that surpasses all understanding.
    I am so grateful to be able to read this blog and see what true grace and love from God looks like.

    Bless this family Lord, and keep them in your warm loving care as they celebrate this precious girl.

    Brea Cox

  6. What a wonderful message, and a beautiful messenger! Prayers & thoughts.....

  7. Adalynne Dior..What a beautiful name for an adorable little girl.

    Thank you, Erika, for sharing your loving and heartfelt journey with all of us. She truly was an "Angel Unaware", who brought so much hope, joy and love to so many.

    We will forever be touched by experiencing her through your inspiring words.

    We know she's being cradled right now in God's loving and comforting hands.

    With Love,
    Phyllis and Darol Paulsen

  8. Dear Adalynne...What a beautiful girl and such a beautiful family!

    The blessing of your Mama's journal has made strangers like my husband and I feel close to you all in the body of Christ. Such faith, strength and courage does not come along often. So, when God lets His bright light shine through the heart of the innocent, we are reminded of the absolute wonder and love to be found and celebrated in His creation.

    With gratitude and joy for you and your sweet family, Therese, Mike, Gracie and Dory Miller - St.Henry parishioners

  9. What a precious little angel your sweet Miss Adalynne is!!! I know all the angels in Heaven are rejoicing at the arrival of Heavens sweetest song. I just learned of Adalynne Dior tonight, read her incredible journey while wiping tears and smiling at the beautiful photos! I met you guys before Harrison was one, had the privilege of attending your lovely wedding and am completely in awe of your unmeasurable grace, courage, and poise through this incredible journey! God's grace is amazing!!! I will lift all of you up in prayers tomorrow as you celebrate Sweet Adalynne and the beauty she brought to all.
    May God continue to bless your family,
    Suzanne Everett

  10. You are wonderful people and I am so so sorry for your loss, she sounds wonderful, my thoughts are with you.


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