Fifty Hours and Thirty Minutes

Adalynne continues to do well. She is currently on medication to help control her seizures. She has not had one in twenty four hours! Harrison and Houston spent the evening with their little sister. She even got them t-shirts that said, "I am a Big Brother".
Harrison is so in love with his little sister. He holds her, kisses her, hugs her, and makes silly faces at her to get her to smile. I know it is gas, but she was smiling at him tonight when he was acting silly. He is head over heels, just like me! Houston on the other hand, it is going to take some time for him to warm up to the newest addition to our family. He was more intrigued with a horse racing toy he got at Cracker Barrel or calling Uncle G names like Dumbo than he was with Adalynne. Which is so odd, because when she was in my tummy it was Houston who would not leave my belly alone; and Harrison who couldn't have cared less. We made some wonderful family memories tonight. I think my heart grew three sizes bigger. Two of Adalynne's uncles were here and Uncle G is already teaching her things she doesn't need to know, while Uncle Clayton is a quiet observer taking her in. Thank you Uncle Clayton for not partcipating in Houston's potty talk game. Aunt Ana has captured some wonderful pictures. She is such a great photographer.
Adalynne and I were just chatting, like girls do, and we decided her stinky big brothers are really great. Since we are up every three hours for feedings we have a lot of "girl time" and she was just letting me know, by her cute kitten sounding cry, how much she dislikes having her diapers changed; but how she loves to eat and she really likes her pacifier. Did you know they smell like vanilla? She is my little cupcake, and even smells like one too. Adalynne and I are going to cap this latest girls only time by shopping. Since we did not plan on her coming home, we have nothing. So, with daddy sleeping in the bed next to us we are going to look for some pink!
These last couple of days have truly been a miracle. I honestly, in my heart of hearts, did not think Adalynne would make it through the labor process. The fact that she had such a wonderful last twenty four hours is such a blessing. I know when the boys were newborns and I was just getting to know them my heart would feel like it was swelling, literally swelling over with love as I held them and fed them. I have been able to have the same experience with Adalynne too. She makes my heart swell. I know our journey with her is day to day, and we are starting today with some SHOPPING!!! Sorry Daddy, but girls just gotta have fun. Right Adalynne?!


  1. what incredible words ... I am friend of Kelley T. and praying for your sweet daughter and your whole family !!!


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