See You Soon, It's Not Goodbye...

Please forgive me for grammatical errors or misspellings...

As we sit here laying in our bedroom with Miss Adalynne in our arms, we are laughing crying, and looking back at the best five days of our lives. Adalynne has been such a miracle baby. She has shown such courage, stength, and passion. She has fought so hard to be here with her family so we can say hello and goodbye. Like I have said before, with life there is loss; love there is sorrow; and with happiness there is sadness. We are losing, loving, feeling sorrow, happy, and deeply saddened.
Miss Adalynne is in here final hours, and we are blessed enough to be here to say goodbye in this amazing journey. She is saying goodbye in peace and looks like a complete diva. She is going out in style; Uggs and all. Please pray that we find peace and acceptance in this journey. I am going to spend today saying goodbye to one of the best people I have ever met in my life and I can't wait to see her in heaven. I will talk later, in more detail of these past few amazingly wonderful days. God Bless!!!


  1. Chelsea (rosa) CaldwellJanuary 9, 2010 at 4:56 PM

    Your stength and your courage that you continue to show every single day is absolutely amazing. For whatever the reason, Adalynne was sent to you, Ryan and your entire family for a reason. God knew the strength and courage you had inside you, and through all of this he has carried you and stood by you. you have NEVER lost your faith in him. You have trusted this "path" he has made for you and you are embracing it in one of the most remarkable ways possible. I honor your faith, your courage, your strength, your love and your honesty with Adalynne and her beautiful life. God will stand by you, because you have stood by him. Prayers will never let down for you and your family. I am ALWAYS here if you need me. so much love,

  2. Oh, Erika! Honey, I am so sorry. Words cannot even describe just how sorry I am. I am always here for you. I am praying for you and for baby Adalynne and the family. God Bless you, Erika. God Bless, Adalynne!!

  3. Sharing with you, with all my love what was shared with me by parents, just like you, who
    KNOW ALL the feelings you have just described...


    “I’ll lend you for a little time, a child of mine,” He said,
    “For you to love the while she lives and mourn for when she’s dead.

    It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
    But will you, till I call her back, take care of her for Me?”

    “She will bring her charms to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,
    You’ll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief.

    I cannot promise she will stay since all from earth return,
    But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.

    I’ve looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true,
    And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, I have selected you.

    Now will you give her all your love, nor think the labor vain,
    Nor hate Me when I come to call and take her back again?”

    I fancied that I heard them say: “Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
    For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we’ll run.
    We’ll shelter her with tenderness, and love her while we may,
    And for the happiness we’ve known, forever grateful stay;
    But shall the angels call for her much sooner than we’ve planned,
    We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.”

    --Edgar A. Guest

  4. My first comment was lost. I found you moments before you posted the next post about sweet Adalynne leaving this world. Sweet, sweet Adalynne. She is so beautiful. I cannot know your pain. I cannot know the happiness she brought you. I lost sweet Cora in my arms in December. She too, was five days old. I am here for you now, tonight, and I am for you always. I am on twitter @kristinebrite. My blog is linked through my profile. I stay by your side this entire journey.


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