Its Time...

Iam currently in the hospital and we are about to be induced.


  1. Chelsea (rosa) CaldwellJanuary 4, 2010 at 8:45 PM

    I am praying for you and your family! Praying for a safe delivery for you and Miss Adalynne. You are one of the strongest women I know and I know your strength and your family and God's love will get through. Miracles happen.

  2. We are praying and thinking of you. If you need anything let us know.

    Jennifer Macdonald

  3. Ryan and Erica,
    Your story is one of such incredible love. Please consider turning it into a book and making it available for the world to share. Adalynne Dior's Divine Journey is one of such hope, love, peace and tenderness.
    So many others that struggle with unplanned fearful situations in their lives could benefit from the wonderful, spiritual way you have cherished the gifts and the burdens God gave you. You are inspirations and examples for all of us (of far greater years on this planet) to follow.
    My prayers and my love to both of you. And may many blessings follow you through your lives.
    Mary Parker

  4. Dear Erica and Ryan,
    Thank you for sharing your incredible journey. Please know that all in the Caldarulo family have been following your story and praying for you, your precious boys and most of all, baby Adalynne Dior,each and everyday.

    We are so inspired by your decision to carry little Adalynne. We see "Christ" in you and your decision as you honor the sanctity of her life. Contrary to today's culture...where healthy babies are disposed of as a matter of "convenience"....your decision to immerse Adalynne in the love of your family while you carry her in your womb....brings us tears of joy and respect.

    The word "Always"....... struck me and stood out to me at Mass one Sunday while singing the song "Be not Afraid." It reminded me of the bible verse "I go before you ALWAYS...come follow me. In the days ahead I hope these words give you comfort& strength. It is comforting to know that everywhere we go physically and emotionally - He has been. He paves the way and is there. Our prayer for you and your dear family is that you feel his presence ALWAYS.

    Prayerfully yours, Patti & Mark Caldarulo


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